synology forgot password
synology forgot password

Forgotpassword?PleaseentertheemailaddresswhichwasusedtosignupfortheSynologyAccount.ContactEmail ...,Forgotpassword?PleaseentertheemailaddresswhichwasusedtosignupfortheSynologyAccount.Thisfieldisrequired.,Witharecoveryemail·Entertheemailyouregiste...

Password Reset


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Forgot password?

Forgot password? Please enter the email address which was used to sign up for the Synology Account. Contact Email ...

Password Reset

Forgot password? Please enter the email address which was used to sign up for the Synology Account. This field is required.

I forgot my Synology Account password. What can I do?

With a recovery email · Enter the email you register with your Synology Account. · Click Forgot password. · Select the method you want to ...


前往控制台> 使用者帳號> 使用者帳號頁籤,在要使用的管理員帳號上按兩下。您可以在資訊頁籤重設密碼,完成後按一下確定。 請先登入管理員帳號以停用admin ...

How do I sign in if I forgot the password for my administrator account?

Resolution Locate the RESET button on your Synology NAS. ... Use a paper clip to gently press and hold the RESET button until you hear a beep, and then release the button immediately. ... The device and password are now reset.

Reset Synology NAS Admin Password Without Losing Data

Reset Synology NAS Admin Password Without Losing Data It happens to us all from time to time where we forget our NAS login password.


Forgotpassword?PleaseentertheemailaddresswhichwasusedtosignupfortheSynologyAccount.ContactEmail ...,Forgotpassword?PleaseentertheemailaddresswhichwasusedtosignupfortheSynologyAccount.Thisfieldisrequired.,Witharecoveryemail·EntertheemailyouregisterwithyourSynologyAccount.·ClickForgotpassword.·Selectthemethodyouwantto ...,前往控制台>使用者帳號>使用者帳號頁籤,在要使用的管理員帳號上按兩下。...